Try to relax and block all forms of distractions. Your 100% attention is highly needed. 
I am going to share with you, the remedy that has helped hundreds, if not thousands of people to cure DIABETES, some who were even in danger of death.


Diabetes is a metabolic disease that causes high blood sugar. The hormones, insulin, moves sugar from the blood to be stored or used for energy. With diabetes, your body either doesn’t make enough insulin or can’t effectively use the insulin it makes. TYPE1 Diabetes: The immune system attacks and destroys cells in the pancreas. TYPE2 Diabetes: Your body becomes resistant to insulin and sugar builds up in your blood.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you are either Pre-diabetic or Diabetic -Increased hunger

-Increased thirst

-Weight loss

-Frequent Urination

-Extreme Erectile dysfunction

-Yeast infection

-Blurry vision

-Extreme fatigue

-Sores that don’t heal

-Decreased sex drive

-Urinary tract infection (UTI)


Diabetes is one of the leading causes of death in the world. As of 2016, Nigeria has the highest number of people with diabetes with 3.9 million. This figure will be doubled by 2020. In the 90s, little was known about diabetes in Nigeria. Today, the average household has a diabetes scare. Diabetes is the main cause of serious diseases like heart failure, cardiovascular diseases like stroke, sexual dysfunction, nephropathy, retinopathy, vascular dysfunction, and different forms of cancer. Most diabetic patients suffer from non-healing wounds, which leads to Amputation of limbs, hand, and foot. Also, diabetes is the leading cause of chronic kidney disease. Cameroon has one of the worst healthcare facilities in the world and the poverty index is so low.

Who Am I? why am doing this

Foreverliving Products is the no1 health and wellness company in The USA in fact Forever Products are licensed 

by the Physicians’ Desk Reference ( in The USA. and china PDR is the encyclopedia of doctors and pharmacists in the USA. Foreverliving  has various of its products listed on and it is widely used by doctors in the USA and china for treatment for various forms of diseases. Over the years, I have discovered that people don’t like to talk about their ailment because of the fear of stigmatization. can we blame them? no, we can’t but thanks to the internet, it keeps you anonymous while also getting your issues solved.  the internet gives me unlimited access to thousands of people trying hard to overcome this terrible disease. For the past 3 years, I have been able to help several people overcome this terrible ailment.

Why are you Diabetic?

You will agree with me that the best way to solve a problem is treating the Root Cause, let me explain better. Assuming someone got his leg broken, definitely, he will feel pains, in order to take care of the pains, he used pain reliever, the pains got suppressed, does that means his legs are still not broken? No, his leg is still broken just that his pain has been reduced. That is exactly how treating the symptoms of disease instead of the Root Cause works, and that explains what your medications have been doing. To answer your question, your medications cannot heal you, they are meant to just “reduce” the symptoms of diabetes (and not treat it) for as long as your money can last.

If you ask them what causes diabetes, some will say they don’t know, some will blame it on old age, some will blame it on nutrition. as sad as this conflicting information is, they prescribe heavy dosages for you monthly, and you buy them without hesitation because “health is wealth”
The truth is that you are diabetic because

1. Your pancreas does not produce enough insulin(that’s why some patients do take insulin injection early morning)

2. Your body does not make use of the insulin produced.

3. Your immune system is too weak for the fight against external forces (diabetes)
Why does your pancreas not produce insulin?

Why does your body not make use of insulin? why is your immune system weak?

These are the questions you should ask your doctor, but how would you ask when they don’t tell you what causes it? The reason all these are happening to you is that your system is filled with toxins (this is the root cause of all diseases) So the first stage of treatment is to get rid of toxins in your system. If these 3 things go wrong, regardless of the age, gender, diabetes will come into play. But some people say it only affects elderly people? it can affect anybody regardless of age, just that it is common among old people because their immune system gets weak with age.

How Natural Diabetes Product helped in regulating my Blood sugar Levels

A MUST READ From 2002 to 2020,

I was battling this terrible disease, I couldn’t afford so many things, as I was spending about 70% of my income on treating diabetes and liver problems. little did I know that my medications were the main cause of this issue. After spending tons of money nursing my diabetes, my wife’s friend messaged her on Facebook, she is a medical doctor in the united states, my wife explained to her what’s going on with me, and she asked what I have been using after my wife explained to her, she asked if I was having blurred vision, kidney issues or any other complications, my wife told her I had blurry vision and liver issues and she confirmed that the medicines I have been using are the cause of the complications. That was when it occurred to me that my the doctor had changed my medications 5 times within the space of 12 years. I took my time to read about the side effects of the medicine I was using, lo, and behold, I was shocked.

Within 24hrs, she ordered for Diabetes Pack and also gave some directives on what to do, in 2 days, the supplements arrived my location, and I started using them in accordance with her directives. Honestly i didn’t care what the supplements are or where they are from, I just wanted help, so I used them accordingly with the home treatment she suggested and on the 3rd week, I went from 230 to 136 mg/dL. After the completion of the treatment on the 4th week, I continued with the home remedy, and from 2018 till date, I have been feeding normally like everybody else. After I saw these changes in 2018, I told some people i know about it, they used it and told others about it and the good news keeps spreading.

Here is the powerful diabetes destroyer and blood sugar normalizer product (supplement) I’ve been talking about…


Natural Diabetes Pack

Natural Diabetes Pack is very effective in curing diabetes.

  • It works by smooth sugar lowering, activation of islets, regulates/stabilizes blood sugar (high and low) and prevents complications.

Main Ingredients: Chinese wolfberry extractive, Aloe Vera Gel, ginseng extract, chromium yeast, selenium yeast, zink lactate, salad oil, beeswax, soybean lecithin, gelatin, glycertin, purified water, titanium dioxide, and egg yoke pigmentation (mountain lemon yellow, sunset yellow and sodium chloride).

Health Function: Assist in regulating blood glucose level

Suitable for: People with high blood glucose

Unsuitable for: Children

Shelf life: 24 months

Production and Expiration Date: On container

Storage Method: Sealed and kept in a cool dry place, avoid direct sunlight.

Precautions: This product cannot replace the medicine; nutrients are added in the products, and it is advised not to exceed recommended dosage if taking with similar nutrients; not applicable to people living in areas with high content of selenium.

  • Natural Diabetes Pack helps to lower blood sugar and cholesterol level
  • It helps in normalizing harmful free radicals
  • It enhance protein metabolism and it also help to eliminate fatigue, weakness and depression

You can see the ingredient and other useful information on the bottle of the product once you get yours.


Well, in Dr. Taylor tested people at 30 days, and then at 60 days.

By 30 days, about 50% of the participants had normal blood glucose levels.

By 60 days, 100% of the participants had reversed their Type 2 Diabetes.

The fastest it’s happened was 16 days.

So if you start using the Natural Diabetes Pack today, you could be diabetes free in less than 60 days.

  • Your 1st Month with Natural Diabetes Pack A lot of people say they have more energy on the very first day. You’ll wake up feeling more refreshed and well rested than you have in years. This month, as you test your blood glucose levels, you’ll notice that number getting closer and closer to where it should be.
  • Your 2nd Month with Natural Diabetes Pack(Complete Treatment Month) with Natural Diabetes Pack: Over the next couple months, as you finish the Product, your blood sugar level will be normal and you have no gut of spend on buying medications anymore.

    If you start today, then less than 2 months from today you could be free to enjoy life, and never again worry about diabetes-related early death or amputation.

    If that sounds as amazing to you as it has to thousands of other people, then don’t hesitate any longer…

    Now, to be clear, I don’t recommend anyone stop taking their medication. Instead, it’s best to naturally jump start your pancreas, naturally lowering your blood sugar, until your doctor is glad to cancel your prescriptions. I’m not against all medications. For some diseases, medications are the only known path to healing.

    1. Once your order has been confirmed. The product will be sent to your location – anywhere in Cameroon
    2. Immediately the product gets to your location, the delivery agent will call you to deliver it to you.
    3. When the delivery agent comes, you collect the product and give the money to the delivery agent or you transfer the product money to him/her. You don’t have to pay for delivery.

    That’s how you will get your product and pay… simple and fast process!!!

    Before You Go Ahead and Order, Please Note: 

    You can place your order easily and Pay as you Confirm the Product.

    I know you may be wondering if you will pay first before you get this product. NO! You don’t have to pay first, once you place your order…

    I will send the item to your location and once it gets to your location… I will ask my delivery agent to pick it up and bring it to your provided address at no extra cost.

    So, once the delivery agent brings it to you. You can collect the item and give the money to him/her. This delivery usually takes 24hrs – 2 days after placing your order.

    How To Get The Natural Diabetes Product

    NOTE: Please, Do Not Place an Order if you are not ready to pay and receive Your Product within the Next 24hrs – 2 days.

    Fill the Form Below to Place your Order

    Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
    Select Package
    When to Deliver?
    Send a Whatsapp Message with the below details to +2348136416937
    Your Full Name,
    – Your Full address
    – Your Phone Number (Provide 2 Numbers If available),
    – Specify the Pack(1 month Pack or 2 months Pack)


    Does the  Natural Diabetes Pack really work?
    Yes! Like I said, virtually every single person who has completed the supplement has been able to reverse their diabetes. Also ensure you take it as prescribed.

    How soon can I stop taking my medication?
    Remember, I recommend you use the 2months Pack to naturally reverse your diabetes.

    Dr. Taylor’s study showed that within 60 days, every participant had brought their blood sugar down to normal levels, and reversed their disease. Around half reversed their disease at 30 days. The fastest recorded was 28 days. So depending on factors like your genetics, the severity of your disease, and how committed you are to the supplement, most people will destroy their Type 2 Diabetes in between 30 and 60 days.